Risk of Surface Water Pollution and Prediction of Water Quality Parameters by Spatial Interpolation Methods (case of the Reghaïa Lake)

The consumption of fresh water is accompanied by discharges of polluted water, pollution that is sometimes invisible, but which threatens the quality of the reserves, and surface water is increasingly polluted.
In Algeria, these activities, which generate pollution, cover various fields, chemical compounds of industrial origin (heavy metals, hydrocarbons, phenol, etc.) or agricultural origin (pesticides, fertilisers, etc.) can be eliminated by various processes.
The elaboration of a geo-referenced data base and a pollution risk evaluation model as well as an automatic risk mapping study using base maps of the study area will allow to evaluate the degree of risk along the water courses of the Lake of Reghaïa, Algiers,Algeria, which is a wetland of ecological importance of international dimension, and the last vestige of the former Mitidja.

In this communication we used a several interpolations methods (IDW, Kriging, Spline) in GIS of water quality parameters analysed from samples on Our study area to compare the results and evaluate the degree of pollution in the Lake.



Geohazards, Risk and Vulnerability: Following the Case Studies of Mitigation and Management


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