A multifaceted historical, ecological and stone heritage complex into an agricultural-dominated landscape: the 17 th -century French Royal Canal Louis XIV (Eure-et-Loir, France)
Built at the end of the 17th century (1685-1694), the French Royal Canal Louis XIV is an unfinished hydraulic structure wanted by the Sun King to bring water from the Eure River to the fountains of Versailles. This canal today constitutes a linear heritage site of multifaceted interests: (1) historical, with scattered archaeological remnants, (2) geological, with a stone heritage complex associated with old quarries, and finally (3) ecological, with biodiversity reservoirs and corridors linked to artificial geodiversity elements. The interdisciplinary research project “Connect-Eure”, funded by the LabEx DynamiTe, aims to comprehend the imbedded natural and cultural heritages of this canal.
Cédric Beaudoin, Clélia Bilodeau, Eva Chéramy, Céline Clauzel, Fabienne Dugast, Jacques Galland, Hervé Gallépy, Etienne Grésillon, Isabelle Le Tellier, Albert Marsot, Patrick Mulet, Paul Passy
Time Scaling Issues in Geoheritage Studies